Potatoes in Canada

Features Agronomy Harvesting
Latest provincial harvest updates available

October 21, 2022  By Potatoes in Canadaa

Photo courtesy of Kroeker Farms.

As the weather cools and fall fieldwork begins in some places, potato harvest is now in its final stages across the country. The most recent update from provincial growers, provided to Potatoes in Canada by the United Potato Growers of Canada, offers insights into the highlights and challenges in various provinces.

Overall, the growing season has provided a variable crop across the country and even within provinces. Production is estimated to be slightly lower than last year.

All data is as of Oct. 19. Please note that current figures are simply projections based on history and recent reports. More precise numbers will be available in the coming weeks.

Prince Edward Island

More than 90 per cent of the crop has been harvested and the remainder is expected to be complete soon. Although Fiona posed some delays and challenges, the report states that most growers have made up for the time lost thanks to excellent weather conditions since the storm. Quality is being described as excellent with a yield comparable to last year. Some Planted acreage in P.E.I. is down just over 5,000 acres, and production is expected to be lower than last year by five to 10 per cent. However, that remains about five per cent above the five-year average.

New Brunswick

Yields are reported as down from last year, but the crop is described as “decent.” A lack of bumper crop from last year and some low-gravity issues reported forecasting processors to increase quantities required, it is unlikely one will see the movement of potatoes west as in last year. Production is estimated to be lower than last year but an eight per cent increase in production over the five-year average.


Despite some recent delays due to cold temperatures, Quebec’s fresh potato harvest is wrapping up. Growers report good quality potatoes, but only average yields and a slightly smaller size profile. The province is reporting strong demand. Like other provinces, estimated production is slightly under last year’s numbers but well above the five-year average.


Most potatoes in Ontario are now under storage. Yields vary from region to region, which may be attributed to the growing season being very dry and some farms not having irrigation systems. Acreage is down from last year, and production in Ontario is estimated to be down nine per cent from last year but on track with the five-year average.


Manitoba’s potato harvest is complete and most potatoes are under storage. Most reports are positive due to very good harvest conditions. Quality of the crop is good, with yields described as average to slightly above average. Shipping should begin soon, with high demand expected for U.S. Thanksgiving in November. Production is expected to be up by six per cent, in line with the increase in planted acres.


Harvest in the province is now largely complete, with quality reported as excellent due to good growing conditions.


Harvest was complete for most growers in mid-October. However, some yields have been disappointing due to bad weather in some areas. Quality is very good but size profile is variable, and many reporting smaller-than-average. Supply may be short of what processors need and would like to see for upcoming months. Planted acreage increased, therefore production could possibly be up five per cent compared to last year.

British Columbia

Harvest is nearing completion and expected to wrap this week. Lack of rain as well as high temperatures in recent months have caused concerns for some growers. Yields are reported as lighter this year, with a smaller size profile. However, the quantity of potatoes going into storage should be better than originally expected early in the season. Planted acreage is down from last year. Production is estimated to be down eight per cent from 2021.

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