Potatoes in Canada

News Agronomy Traits and Genetics
Seeds Canada creates public varieties database

September 29, 2022  By Potatoes in Canada

Seeds Canada, an organization representing Canadian seed growers, analysts, breeders, distributors, processors, retailers, service providers and other stakeholders, is expanding existing transparency systems. Seeds Canada is creating a public database for farmers, members of the value chain the the public to identify which varieties were developed using gene editing.

The database is in addition to the continued transparency farmers will have at the retail level through company-specific materials and informational tools, such as provincial seed guides. The database will be accessible through Seeds Canada’s website. It will not be a static list and will adapt as the industry’s needs evolve.

The database is part of broader, transparency-led efforts to support the successful co-existence of organic, conventional and genetically modified crops.

The organization recently celebrated its one-year anniversary.

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