Potatoes in Canada


Build Resilience into Your Farm: Soil workshop

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March 06, 2020
500 Monora Park Rd, Mono, ON L9W 0E1

Hear how three local farmers are taking on the challenges of a changing climate to better sequester carbon and keep their soil healthy. By sharing their experiences, failures and successes in changing farming practices through no-till, crop cover, crop rotation and grazing, these speakers show how it is possible to use fewer inputs, save money and increase yields on your farm.

  • Brett Israel, 3Gen Organics, Wallenstein
  • Gillian Flies, The New Farm, Creemore
  • Mike Swidersky, intensive grazing farm, Melancthon

Meet representatives from the Credit Valley, Nottawasaga Valley and Grand River Conservation Authorities, as well as your local municipalities’ climate change specialists.

Tickets are $25, which includes a local lunch sponsored by 3Gen Organics.

Why attend? Learn how to build resilience and develop soils on your farm that can better withstand extreme weather events while increasing yields.

Who should attend? Farmers and land managers: large and small, conventional and organic, livestock, cash croppers, DFA, OFA, EFAO, NFU, CFFO, COG, OSCIA, conservation authorities, and anyone concerned with soil health.

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